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    Laws - View Law: SMOKING

    Smoking and Possessing Tobacco Products 

    Any person who knowingly sells or gives tobacco products to minors is guilty of a petty offense.  Any minor who has tobacco in his or her possession is guilty of an incorrigible act.  (ARS 13-3622). 

    Tobacco products are defined as cigars, cigarettes, or cigarette papers, and smoking or chewing tobacco. (ARS 13-3622) So if you are under the age of 18 you should not have any of these items. If you do, you are guilty of an incorrigible act.

    In addition to this, smoking tobacco in locations such as elevators, busses, libraries, museums, and health care institutions is considered a public nuisance and dangerous to public health.  An adult guilty of such acts would be charged with a petty offense, while a minor would be charged with a delinquent act.  (ARS 36-601.01). 

    What about at school?

    Using or possessing tobacco products on school grounds (buildings, parking lots, fields, and vehicles) or at off campus school sponsored events is a petty offense for adults and a delinquent act for minors.  (ARS 36-798.03).  The law does not apply to adults using tobacco products as a part of a tobacco prevention or cessation program.  (ARS 36-798.03).

    26 thru 30 of 53 comments    ...6 ]  7   8   9   10  ...   
    On 05/13/05
    kewl from AZ said:
    dude i got cot smoken a cig at school and i didnt get in any trouble at all
    On 04/20/05
    Hillz from NY said:
    I heard that there was no law against a minor smoking there is just a law against selling them to minors. And honestly it's so stupid cause if there werent any laws against ciggarettes and minors I bet alota people wouldn't be smoking. Alota kids my age do things risky and stuff sorda just to be rebbelish and yea we do sometimes break the law its gonna happen. And its intriging to some to smoke b/c of the law and its an unfortunate thing that its not something tiny it's something that you get addicted to and something that in the long run is detrimental to your health
    On 04/14/05
    Brita from KS said:
    I'm 14 and I've been smoking for 4 years I started smoking cause my mom dose and I don't see why there even is a law. If people in America make and sell them why do they put an age on them
    On 03/16/05
    Michael from AZ said:
    Im 18 now and I have a warrant out for my arrest for smoking a ciggarette when I was 16 and was caught by a police officer. If the incident had happened now, the police couldnt do a thing. They are wasting time and money throwing me in Jail for smoking 1 ciggarette 2 years ago. They could be spending time and money throwing drug dealers in jail instead.
    On 02/28/05
    mystina williams from AZ said:
    i heard frm a lady at a smoke shop, that it is llegal to smoke when you are 16, but u can't buy them till ur 18. i'm soo confused, cauz i can't find anything on that. if anyone knows anything, please help me out.
    26 thru 30 of 53 comments    ...6 ]  7   8   9   10  ...   

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