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Question: Where do I apply to be emancipated in Arizona?

Answer: Your request [petition] to be emancipated must be filed in the superior court of the county where you live. The court may have an emancipation form that you can use. A filing fee may be reduced or waived by the court.

1 thru 5 of 13 comments
On 08/15/08
iz from AZ said:
my name is iz and i want to get emancipated becuz my step dad hits me when he shouldnt becuz hese my step dad not my dad.. and my mom always takes his side
On 03/02/08
aubrey from AZ said:
i dont want to telle veryone my problems but how does all this work.?
On 02/02/08
L from AZ said:
hi, my name is l, my dad does nothing but yell at me and my mother and my mom yells right back. on top of that my dad abuses me, what can i do to get out of this hell???
On 09/07/07
hazel from AZ said:
Hi my name is hazel and i want to get an emancipation i cant stand it in my house my dad is in jaul and my mom works the whole day and wen she gets back all she does is yell at me. what can I do?
On 08/09/07
Leah from AZ said:
i live on gilbert how do i get emancipated i have a job and i want to get out my dad sent me out of the house and i live with my aunt and i dont want to i feel like a burden and i would have a place to live how can i get emancipated??? thank you
1 thru 5 of 13 comments

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