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Question: What are the laws concerning jobs for 13-year olds?

Answer: The Fair Labor Standards Act states that the minimum age for employment is 14 years old. A 14-year old that is a full-time student would be allowed to work in a retail establishment as long as the employer has obtained certifications from the Department of Labor. A business could be fined $10,000 for hiring someone under the age of 14. The age requirements for agricultural employment are slightly different.

726 thru 730 of 2113 comments
On 06/14/05
cristian from CA said:
ya i think 13 yr olds should be aloud to work because they are only 1 yr younger then 14 yr olds and thats not a big diffrence but its still hard to get jobs even if ur in the age requirement. ive been looking for a job for like 2 months now and no luck
On 06/14/05
rhonda from IA said:
hey!!!im 13 i think we should be able to get a job so we can start thing about hoe to mage money and how inportain jobs our when ur older.so ya.i know us 13 year olds go throw the funny stage just give us a chance please
On 06/14/05
Jess from PA said:
Just because we are young doesn't mean we can't work hard. We're like any other working person. We should be able to work at a job and make money.We need to buy stuff we want to and not always have to ask our parents. All age teenagers should get the right to work at a job and earn money
On 06/14/05
Lauren from MA said:
Every time I go somewhere with my friends, whether it be a carnival, the movies, or even the mall, I beg my parents for money. I wish that it was my choice if I could get a job. I sit around my house thinking that instead of sitting here, I could be working. NO, i have to wait until I become a certain age, which is really unfair. If only the working law would change, lots of parents would be in a better mood, and so would their kids. Parents tell us "Work for what you want." but how do we do this if we can't get a job?
On 06/14/05
monica from MA said:
I feel that we 13 yearolds should work because I really want to work so that i can always have money in my pocket without saying my mother gave it to me. I want to earn it myself by working so when time comes i can say that i worked for it. I want to save up for a puppy too, I think its a good idea that kids my age would like to work! If you could just give us thirteen year olds a chance that would be great. THANKYOU!
726 thru 730 of 2113 comments

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