Speak Up! - View Question #19194

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Question: Who can own a gun or weapon?


Generally speaking, anything that disqualifies you as a voter or a juror, such as conviction of a felony, also legally disqualifies you as a gun owner. This is no coincidence – these three rights and duties are historically and philosophically related.
People prohibited from possessing a firearm also include any person who:

• Has been found to be a danger to himself or others.
• Has been convicted of a felony in another state.
• Is serving a term of probation for a conviction for a domestic violence offense (ARS §13-3101 (6)).

And, a minor may not possess, carry or be in control of a firearm when unaccompanied by an adult (ARS §13-3111 (A)).

1 thru 4 of 4 comments
On 04/08/08
gunnut from AZ said:
Age 18 for rifles and shotguns (long barreled firearms), and 21 for pistols...you also need an SBS and AOW (Short Barreled Shotgun and All Other Weapons) permit for shotguns with barrels under 16'
On 02/06/08
Ian from GA said:
you need a Gun permit to carry a gun, and to carry a gun permit you need to be over 21 and 18, depending on your state, in my state it is 18.
On 01/10/08
B.Fox from AZ said:
I think 18 is thye right age for people to own any type of firearms. Unfortunatly in todays society you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. This is mainly because criminals tend to use handguns. Witch is wrong because a criminal doesn't care about what age you have to be to have a gun. So the only people your hurting are the people that fallow the laws.
On 04/05/06
kylie from AZ said:
i think you should be able to own a weapon if you have a permitt by law. hey, hoever posted this, this was a good q. bye!
1 thru 4 of 4 comments

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