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How old do I have to be and where can I get a work permit?


The Industrial Commission may, by regulation, declare ay occupation to be dangerous, or injurious to the health and morals of persons under sixteen years of age and prohibit the employment or allowance to work in, about or in connection with the occupations by such persons unless a variance is granted. There are many restrictions for minors under 18 years of age The best course of action is to contact the Director of Labor at the Industrial Commission in your state. For Arizona the Industrial Commission numbers are 602-542-4653 or 602-542-4515. Explain your situation and what type of work you are seeking. Your potential employers and perhaps you also, will probably need to fill out some paperwork (application for variation) depending on the type of job, the number of hours, and environment that the job is located in.


26 thru 30 of 202 comments
On 01/27/07
Erica from PA said:
Kids under 16 should have a chance to work,most of the time they ask you your age and you say 15 and they say no without even giving it a second thought, I think its pretty rude, anyone should get the chance to earn money and learn dicipline with out the little jobs. I babysit and all, but all I really get is like 20 dollars each time I babysit, I want to have a real paycheck that I can cash in, I want to be responicible with my own job and money, I don't want to relie on my parents for everything all the time. So why don't kids under 16 even get the chance?
On 10/02/06
ALISE from CA said:
i'm 13 and really really want a job but what jobs can i go to and how can i get a work permit???? i would LOVE to start making my own money and like at least getting like 400 dollars a week or whatever it is. HOW CAN I GET THAT TO HAPPEN????
On 09/02/06
kendra from OH said:
i have a wokers permit but dont know where to go to work at . i need a list of places to work
On 07/08/06
Alexis from MO said:
I'm thirteen and I think thirteen year old's should have a job besides at home.
On 07/07/06
unknown from NJ said:
Why cant i get a job because I'm only thirteen? Just because you may be sixteen does not mean that you are the best. There can be a teen from 13-15 that may be terrific at a job that only sixteen years and older are allowed to work at and they are not even getting a chance. For all anyone knows this can really change a childs life. If they cant work when they want because people say that they dont know enough, then they may think that when they are older there is no point in trying to get a job.
26 thru 30 of 202 comments

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