Speak Up! - View Question #207

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Question: How long can 16 - year olds work on school days?

Answer: 16- and 17-year olds may be employed for unlimited hours if they are working in a job considered non-hazardous. There are no federal laws restricting the number of hours of work per day or per week for 16 and 17 year olds.


However kids age 14 and 15 may only work outside school hours in certain jobs under the following conditions:

no more than 3 hours on a school day,
18 hours in a school week,
8 hours on a nonschool day, or
40 hours in a nonschool week.

In addition, they may not begin work before 7 a.m. nor work after 7 p.m., except from June 1 through Labor Day, when evening hours are extended until 9 p.m.

For more on Child Labor Laws, visit the United States Department of Labor Web Site. And read the special section on Child Labor Laws.

16 thru 20 of 48 comments
On 04/22/04
Alicia from NY said:
thats why you are noit getting a job cause you never finished school that why the laws dont have people working untile your old enough to work cause kids you need to go to school or your life is not worht nothing!
On 04/12/04
Blank from NJ said:
I would hate to break it to you but kids my age talk different on the computer. There is school talk (good english) and computer talk (abbreviations of things). And about jobs, kids my age dont get put into a job, they chose to be in it. I wanted a job so i could have some extra money and buy things that i want. I have learned a lot of responsiblity. But thanks to you people with your negative talk, i have problems getting jobs. I do it on my time and i think its fun. I work just as hard. Thanks
On 04/05/04
michelle from MN said:
parents aren't there to pay for all the extras. If kids are old enough to make money for the movies or certine brands they want then they need to work for it. This is called responabilty.
On 03/25/04
Jason from TX said:
My thougts are that a 14-15 yearold should not be allowed to work, unless their family needs that income other wise go to school go home and hang with your friends. Look I have a job and take it from me its no fun when you have to work while your friends are out at the movies, and you cant hang with them any more because you have to work. Second why do you need a job thats why you have parents.It's not like you have any bills to pay like a car note etc...
On 03/23/04
Girl from WA said:
I have a job because I have responsibilty. Someone won't hire you right off the street. Build good skills in school and then you will be wanted by an employer. Besides, for those with 4 kids and a single mom, that is your problem. Keep your pants up and then you won't have to support so many kids! Taxes will drain your paycheck dry!
16 thru 20 of 48 comments

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