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Question: Are brass knuckles legal in Arizona?


Arizona has laws regulating the use and possession of deadly weapons defined as 'anything designed for lethal use' (ARS 13-105). Although a Court would ultimately decide on whether brass knuckles meet this definition, you would have a hard time trying to explain that your brass knuckles were for something other than smashing in someone's face.

If you carry a weapon without a permit as allowed under (ARS 13-3112) you are breaking the law.  Minors are prohibited from carrying concealed weapons.

6 thru 7 of 7 comments
On 06/28/07
Ulick from AZ said:
At swap meets in the Tucson area (Tohono Odham, Tanque Verde) brass knuckles are branded and sold as "paperweights." It's a nice trick to make things appear nice and legitimate, but it's as absurd as labeling a KA-BAR fighting knife as a 'letter opener.' It doesn't fool anybody, least of all the police.
On 09/06/06
meizzle from AZ said:
as long as you dont threaten some one or carry it with you whille looking suspicious like looking "thug" ....... as long as it is kept decoraional basically
6 thru 7 of 7 comments

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