Speak Up! - View Question #21015

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Question: What kind of jobs can you have at age 14?


    At the age of 14 job opportunities are still limited, but you are allowed to work.  Federal age requirements for jobs can be found at the  U.S. Department of Labor web site .


Arizona also has statutes regulating work for those under 16 - (for example you have restrictions with working in manufacturing and in a pit with a bull)

23-232. Prohibited employments of persons under the age of sixteen

Arizona also has statutes regulating work for those under 18 (for example, you don't get to work with explosives)

23-231. Prohibited employments of persons under the age of eighteen

51 thru 55 of 66 comments
On 11/23/07
Hannah from TN said:
I am 11 and i want expensive things the year. My family can't just grow money. I need a job so that i can help buy presents and provide for our family
On 10/24/07
amy from PA said:
how do i get a job?im 14 and need a good paying but easy going job and theres not alot of openings out there!!!
On 10/20/07
Nusty from CA said:
I really need a job. To help my family and get what my lil sister and my lil bro wants
On 09/19/07
melody from CA said:
I really want a job. Really wanna be independent & earn my own money & get my own things by myself. Also it would keep me busy in doing something. I really want a job :/
On 09/14/07
Xenazu from NJ said:
My son will be 14 in January. He has two friends a bit older than him currently working. One at McDonalds and the other at Shoprite. In NJ you need working papers from your school (guidance counsellor), and you can only work a certain number of hours per week (child labor laws). As we are of meager means, I will be allowing my son to get a job so long as he is able to keep up with his school work and grades. This way he can save for a car and insurance (which is very costly in our state), as well as assist with paying for his continued education.
51 thru 55 of 66 comments

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