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Question: Is it illegal to bully?


Lawforkids.org has information regarding the new bullying law

11 thru 15 of 21 comments
On 07/15/07
FV from AZ said:
Even though I've never been bullied, I know its not fun and for those of you goin through it, all i can say is hang in there, cause trust what goes around comes around!! I have this friend and back in 6th grade these kids started bullying him, and this went on for about two weeks and finally he told a teacher, but you know how that goes, it never works, so a couple more weeks went by and they still did it. Then one day out of nowhere he beat all those kids that bullied him up and they never picked on him again.
On 06/20/07
jim from AZ said:

@ a christian non-profit private school your child has no human or civil rights? Theses schools are not required by az.state law to regulate them.Meaning they do not have to provide a policy and procedure for their school safty and a protocal if bulling occures.They are not required to do state or federal back ground checks on their employees (no finger prints)no cert. teachers needed to teach.Can't call child protective service on the administration if you suspect neglect. The police department say only sexual abuse or death is a ligitimate complaint. Did u Know?

On 05/31/07
Ulick from AZ said:
I went to school with the two nogoodniks who helped draft the AZ Legislature's anti-bullying law -- some of the provisions are quite vague and broad, if I remember correctly. Merely looking at someone the wrong way can be construed as "bullying" if the other party feels "hurt" by it and is grounds for a trip to see an administrator (hey, it happened to me.) Best advice: just smile and nod your way through K-12 education.
On 04/11/07
Zach from TX said:
i was bullied from 1st to 6th grade. and let me tell you it SUCKS!! Something seriously needs to be done. My parents were constantly at the principles office, and the school said they would take action. Nothing ever happened, there needs to be meetings, assmeblies whatever to help bring a stop to this PLEASE HELP!!!
On 04/08/07
anon from Othr said:
am form the Uk we say were doing somthing were not bullying is common here and in some parts very bad theres too many deaths related to bullying here and there showing no signs of slowing down
11 thru 15 of 21 comments

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