Question: hi my question is i want to live with someone other than my dad and mom but i dont know how to do so my mom is very abusive my dad smokes weed and cant even really support me i live with the other people and i wish it to be permanent my dad doesnt even have a real job when i lived with him i hardly had lights our water got turned off all the time and i didnt really have food for school heck he couldnt even pay for my school so how can i live with the other people
Answer: See answer to question #626 for information on an unacceptable environment. See answers to questions #179, #93 and #117 for information on your parents' responsibility and scope of control in Arizona. See answers to questions #18429, #120, #18415 and #17664 for information on abuse. See answers to questions #183, #144 and #122 for information on incorrigible minors.
You can also use the hotline numbers on the "Links" tab of this website. Look under 1800-Help and you will find a list or organizations that can help you. Good luck and let us know if you have further questions.