Speak Up! - View Question #23972

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Question: My best friend just got out of serving 9 months in jail for 'leaving the sceen of an accident resulting in death or injury'. This is her first offence. She is paying the state and doing probation. Provided her probation has no issues, will she have her rights again? How long will that be? What will change in her life?

Answer: Once your friend's probation has terminated, she may petition the court for restoration of her constitutional rights. She may make the request at any time once the probation term has ended. The documents to make this request can be obtained from the self-help center located at the Superior Court library. The judge may allow for restoration of her right to vote, but in some cases the judge may not restore her right to possess firearms. A felony conviction will certainly limit her in some ways with respect to governmental programs and benefits. In addition, some prospective employers may not hire her because of the felony conviction. She may petition the court to set aside the judgment, which can be viewed more favorably by prospective employers, however, the felony conviction will still remain.

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