Speak Up! - View Question #24252

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i want to become a lawyer but what kind of job should i have in high school to help me


It is helpful, but not necessary to work at jobs that are related to the legal profession such a working with your local representative, the state legislature, an attorney or firm, a court, or a nonprofit organization who does work in the community or works on legal policy. Some of these groups have internships available to students.

Law schools look for many different things when they review applications. In addition to your grade point average in college, they also look to your law school admissions test grade and the work that you have done in the community. It is helpful to show that you understand how the law works in your community and that you have been involved in your community.

Even though there are many jobs that are helpful to someone interested in law, you should also look for jobs that you are personally interested in. You may also want to talk to a guidance counselor at your school who can help you find resources in your community. Good luck!

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On 05/09/09
danny from FL said:
I want to be a lawer when i grow up.But i want to do something that i like and am not sure.But in lawer jobes you earn alote of money.And i want to be able to be a good role model for my kids and grandkids in the future.And i am ready for any assingment that i might get .I have language art and social studies advance and i love helping people with there problems but i dont know i am stile little and have no idea of what other jobs are out there and this web site like this are great that way you know what you want to be when you grow up so thank you and may god bless you all by=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=>
On 05/23/08
SKyler from LA said:
Hea!! Well this answer helped me alot. I really would like to become a lawyer when I grow up. This question helped me figure out what job would look good for meon my job application. So thanks a million.
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