Speak Up! - View Question #275

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Question: What is the curfew and what happens if I'm out past that time?

Answer: Curfew times are different in every city. You need to check with your city offices to find out what curfew times and dates are.

In Phoenix, the curfew is

10 p.m. to 5 a.m. for kids 15 years old and under, 7 days a week


12 a.m. Midnight to 5 a.m. for 16 and 17 year olds every night


If you are out after curfew, this is an incorrigible act and you could be arrested and prosecuted. Sometimes the police call the parents to pick up the kids.

To find out more about curfews, you can check the curfew topic in the laws section.

31 thru 35 of 93 comments
On 12/04/03
Jeff from AS said:
who cares when the curfew is...no police officers inforce it or care...police have better things to be doing then stopping kids from being out after 830... they have to arrest people who do drugs in the confines of their own home!!!
On 11/24/03
Philip from FL said:
I dissagree with using the first ammendment to protest being arrested or punished for being out past your curfew. #1 The bill of rights doesn't actually mean anything when you are a minor, and #2 free speech has nothing to do with you being out past your bedtime.
On 11/21/03
Jake from CO said:
If you want to stay out all night go to a rave :) thats what I do... btw my parents let me so ;P
On 11/18/03
pete from OH said:
Saying what micheal said to an officer can only add to the problems as this can be concidered obstuction of justice and assualt if you want to practice your first amendment rights tell that to your state legislator not the cop that arrests you.
On 11/12/03
Anna and Audrey from SD said:
I think that curfew is stupid, just for the fact that anything can happen at anytime. People today say that kids are getting pregant because they have a later curfew. Kids are getting into more trouble or accidents, yeah they're getting into accidents because they are trying to hurry home to make curfew. Plus everything happens for a reason, so it doesn't matter what time, date or place things happens because they're suppose to happen.
31 thru 35 of 93 comments

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