Speak Up! - View Question #471

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Question: What's the maximum size of a knife that you can carry to school?

Answer: All public schools have rules that prohibit students from possessing weapons at school. A knife is considered to be a weapon, but some schools have created an exception for a folding knife with a blade length of two and one-half inches or less. Other schools prohibit knives of any length.

The disciplinary consequences of violating a school's weapon policy can be very severe, including mandatory expulsion from school. Therefore, a student who routinely carries a pocket knife should check the student handbook or the district policy on weapons before bringing a knife to school.

51 thru 55 of 55 comments
On 12/26/02
Bryan from OH said:
A school is no place for weapons of any kind.
On 11/11/02
Nate from WA said:
Yes. I agree. Weapons should not be allowed. With the stuff that happens at my school, I wouldn't be suprise if someone would stab someone..... If weapons were allowed.
On 11/01/02
Lyndsey from WA said:
I think "weapons" should be allowed at school. I understand some people don't want to be hurt, and neither do I, but all the same, the schools are taking away our rights, and the government is letting them. No wonder I'm not really patriotic. Anyways, back to the point, kids should be allowed to carry a two-inch or less long blade at school.
On 10/08/02
David from WI said:
I don't think that any weapons should be allowed in any school. It's way too dangerous. I have a child of my own, and I know I wouldn't want kids to have knives around my child. It is way too easy for some little punk to get mad and stab someone. I would not like that at all. It is way too dangerous.
On 02/27/02
Justin from AZ said:
I don't think that any weapons should be at any school.
51 thru 55 of 55 comments

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