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    Speak Up! - View Question #120

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    Question: My girlfriends dad beats her and she doesn't get along with her mom, Can she live with me and my family without her moms permission?

    Answer: A sixteen year old can become emancipated if he or she can support herself or himself. The way that this can occur depends upon the state in which the minor resides. It takes more than being able to afford her own clothes to become emancipated. She must be able to feed, and cloth herself, provide transportation to work and school, pay taxes, provide medical insurance for herself, etc. To be emancipated means to do all the things that an adult does for herself.

    If she is being abused, she should report it to the police, to a school counselor, to a minister, to a doctor, or to a local or state 'hot line'. This is true for metal as well as physical abuse. If you know of someone who is being abused, YOU should report it.

    If she needs immediate help with an abuse issue, she should call one of the hotlines below:

    -ArizonaChild Protective Services 888-SOS-CHILD or 888-767-2445
    -Child Help USA Hotline 800-422-4453
    -National Crisis/Suicide Hotline 800-999-9999
    -National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233
    -Teen Link (Various Topics) 800-235-9678
    -Youth Crisis Hotline 800-448-4663

    If there is immediate danger of physical harm, she should call 911 immediately! If she cannot, and you can, you should do so.

    11 thru 15 of 16 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4    
    On 02/18/05
    kaylan from FL said:
    my dad hit me like two days ago with a belt and i found two or three bruies on my leg i hate getting hit all the time
    On 12/19/04
    Cady from WV said:
    My dad has always hurt me since i was a little girl and a couple months ago my mom had to send me to my dads to live because she was having lots of money problems.I thought that my dad might have grown out of it but i was wrong.He still hurts me all the time when he was drunk.My boyfriend told me to call the police and i did and they helped me but not for long.I went to court but my dad having alot of money had a good lawyer and he was found not guilty i then went back to my dads and he hates me even more.Im too scared to do anything but i know i should.What should i do?
    On 12/12/04
    Kelley from AZ said:
    I live with both of my biological parents and am quite unhappy here. My father has had a history for being verbally and physically abusive. There have been two main occasions (that I can remember) where a case was filed with the city of Tucson, but was never brought to state. This all happend with my sister mainly, when she was in her teens. Now that I am older, the same tensions are occuring with my parents as they did with my sister and I don't want to be hurt any longer. I wish to live with my boyfriend and his family so I am not risking my over-all health. How would I go about doing so?
    On 01/17/04
    Adam from KS said:
    Wow pregnant? If you are not smart enough to use reliable birth control, do you think your smart enough to live by yourself? Probably not... I just hope you get a job so I don't have to pay your welfare for your mistakes.
    On 11/02/03
    nicole from KS said:
    i live whit my dad, and step mom they let my boyfriend move in with us and live in my room now im pregnant we want to move out after the baby is born my dad said i couldnt because the law wouldnt let me what rights do i have we have a home to go to
    11 thru 15 of 16 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4    

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