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Speak Up! - View Question #17640 |
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Question: I know this kid that is 15 years old. His dad and step mom continualy kick him out of the house. When he comes back they call and have him put into durango and then when he is released they kick him out again. Its a continual cycle. After a while they finally just told him not to come back. I would like to know the laws on this one. I also want to know the laws on someone else taking him in and caring for him, what are his rights?
Answer: Based on your question, the assumption is that the parents no longer care for their 15 year old. The parents would then be considered to have abandoned the child according to Arizona Law (ARS 8-201(1)). A call to Child Protective Services would help to lead the way to resolving this issue. That number is 888-767-2445. If the parents are still taking the child in and kicking him out this would fall under neglect, which is also something Child Protective Services would investigate. For someone else to become the child's guardian, the court would have to approve. You can care for the child, but to have the rights that a parent would have you would need to go through the process with Child Protective Services. I would recommend finding an attorney as soon as possible if you are the adult who wants to care for the child.
Comments |
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On 11/06/07
Tonja from AZ said:
I have a kid living with me, my husband and our 2 teenage boys, who is in the same boat with his "Foster Parents" I want to get him in school but I am scared they will put him in a State run institution. He is a great kid and I am scared for his future and he needs to go to school. He has been living with us for a month, and is finally feeling somewhat secure and peaceful. I want to do things the right way but am afraid to contact the authorities. and with 3 kids in the house, a lawyer sounds expensive. there should be an easier way for this kid to have a good home.
On 07/07/07
mel from AZ said:
arizona cps is the pits...they really arent good at getting peoepl ut fo those types of ituations id be careful with that. i made a legitiamte abuse claime wheni had bruises on my arms back and legs. they left me at home and after that the abuse and restrictions were even worse.
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