Question: Is it illegal for a boy 16yrs old to have a 12yr ols girlfriend, in Az., if the parent is completely against it?
It isn't illegal to have a girlfriend who is younger than you. If her parents don't want you to be boyfriend and girlfriend then they can keep you from seeing her.
On 04/29/09 abbey from MA said:
I'm 12 and this boy asked me out and he is 16 and i dont no if its illegal or not some one tell me pleeasee. (:
On 04/11/09 Eric from NC said:
yea i agreed its okay if a 16 and a 12yrs old to go out as long as ur not sexual active and i know because i go wit a 12yrs old girl and im 16 her parents knew about it and wen her brother found out he had got 2 a point tha he thought we were having sex wen it took 10 people ta tell him wer not but tha parent told his side and try ta stop us from seeing each other but they cant because she cares bout me n i care bout her mys friends told them that its our business and we shouldnt care wat they say n other so yea i say go for it but it goin get sour before it get sweet
On 09/09/08 p from LA said:
I dont care if my baby girl is younger than me when we date cause we ara to go all the way
On 07/07/08
from AL said:
it is illegal for an 16 year old 2 date an 12 year old because some may think you are having sex and it is sexual rape
On 09/23/07 Ryan from MI said:
Its not illegal to date someone younger than you in any category. 16 vs 12. 18 vs. 14. 75 vs 71 (icky)
But, it becomes illegal if you do anything of a sexual nature, and not just sex, all the "other stuff". If anyone is under 16, (the lowest age of consent that I know of) and they are messing with someone over 16, especially over 18, then the older person would be breaking the law. Big time.
I have my Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice.
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