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    Speak Up! - View Question #18622

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    Question: Whats the worst to happen if i got cought with alcohol?


    This depends on who catches you.  If you are caught by the police, they can give you a citation and you may have to appear for hearing.  The "worst" that can happen depends upon the circumstances of your case (first offense, what happens after the hearing, did the state prove its case, etc.)

    To view the Arizona Laws for underage drinking, see ARS §4-244 & ARS §4-241.

    In Arizona, the legal drinking age is 21. See Arizona Revised Statutes section 4-101(16)

    1 thru 5 of 5 comments    [ 1 ]   
    On 04/25/08
    chris from MO said:
    I was trying to steal a bottle of alchol and got caught I went to court they told me to come back with a lawyer or I was going to jail.
    On 03/15/08
    T from IL said:
    i got arrested for drinking under age and had to go to court and had a 100 dollar ticket and have to go to a month of self management skills class
    On 01/15/08
    K-M from AZ said:
    When I got caught the judge gave me 3 years probation, a fine, suspended my liscens, gave me community service, and i had to complete a workbook on alcohol.
    On 05/30/07
    Dan from Othr said:
    hmm the worst thing that could happen well my car broke down on the side of the road and I got trashed on the side of the road well I served 7days in Jail and a 1500US bail plus another 350US to the bondsman to get the paperwork done.. I am from Ontario, Canada an underage and open liqor is 2 tickets of 100$ each...arizona has some strange laws it does
    On 07/17/06
    Trent from TN said:
    If you are under the age of 21 and have alcohol in your possession you can have your license taken away for 1 year.
    1 thru 5 of 5 comments    [ 1 ]   

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