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    Speak Up! - View Question #22004

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    Question: I am 16 my boyfriend is 19 and i think i might be pregnant. can my parents put him in jail because im a minor? is there anything i can do to stop it? and if i move in with him to raise our baby do i have to be emancipated?


    Sexual conduct with a minor who is over fifteen years of age a class 6 felony (ARS § 13-1405)

    The punishment for sexual conduct with a minor varies depending on who the offender is and what kinds of prior convictions they may have. In general, under Arizona Law (ARS § 13-604.01) the minimum punishment for a person convicted of sexual conduct with a minor in the first degree is a term of seventeen years in prison and registration as a sex offender.


    Parents are responsible for their minor children. Your pregnancy does not mean that you are emancipated and so you are still under your parents' care. See the introductory information on Emancipation on the left side bar of the Speak Up! section on LawForKids.org.

    1 thru 5 of 12 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    
    On 05/11/09
    Katie from OR said:
    I disagree with Rose. I have lived with my 19 year old boyfriend for a year now, and I am pregnant. I went to the dr and they needed to know his information also, his birthday etc. The hospital, doctors, or nurses can not report that your bf/gf is over 18 for its none of there concern. If the girl was in danger from him then yes, they can but otherwise, they cant its none of their business what so ever. Its the parents decision if the girl can date someone over the age of 18.
    On 04/05/09
    Rose from OR said:
    I am in the same situation as you i am 16 and my boyfriend is 19, i am also pregnant. It is a really hard situation, but yes your parents can put him in jail. You are a minor and he is an adult so there should be no sexual contact. Its hard because if you choose to be emancipated you have to go through the court and you being pregnant with a 19 year old boyfriend will not help with much. Go to a school health clinic and see what your options are, but DON'T tell them how old your boyfriend is because they will have to report it.
    On 10/13/08
    crysta from TX said:
    I think that if you are 16 and pregnant, you're better off in your parents house. they're not gonna let you get any worse than pregnant, and if you live with your boyfriend, you're an idiot. he can't support both of you on a normal 16-18 year old's income. it just won't happen. it's incredible how so many people think its perfectly okay to have a child at this age. i don't get why it would be
    On 01/18/08
    Katrin from AZ said:
    I'm 16 and have a one month old, and am still under the control of my parents. And I will be until I either choose to fight for an emancipation or turn 18.
    On 11/21/07
    AJ from AZ said:
    i'm almost 17 my girlfriend is 18 she is pregnant and i'm looking to be emancipated is this illegal for her considering she we meet when she was 17 and we plan on keeping the baby.
    1 thru 5 of 12 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    

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