Question: can a bully be someone you are friends with?
Even if someone calls him/herself a friend because they hang out with you, they can NOT bully you - Arizona has a new law that requires schools to have policies on bullying, harassment and intimidation. The message is clear: schools must create an environment where bullying is not tolerated. Each school is required to have a procedure for students, parents and teachers to confidentially report bulllying behavior to a school official to trigger investigation, punishment and prevention of further bullying behavior. (A.R.S. § 15-341). If the bullying acts threaten or actually cause injury to a person or property, then more severe penalties are called for and carried out under Arizona’s criminal laws. (A.R.S. § 13-2911).
On 08/30/07 Keomi from AZ said:
Hmm.....Why does this person consider you a "friend" if you are bullying them?...
Thats definatly not what friends are for.
Thats just my opinion.
On 08/29/07 mykala from AZ said:
uh Duh!!!!! what kind of question is that, there are no different definitions of bulllying.I dont see why you would call them your friend anyway, or better yet i dont know why they would call you one.Get a grip on your life and get a flippin clue
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