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Speak Up! - View Question #556 |
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Question: Why don't kids have the right to carry guns?
Answer: Laws are set to protect kids and adults when dangerous instruments are involved. This applies to driving a car as well as to possession of guns. In Arizona, the law states that kids under the age of 18 are not allowed to carry guns.(A.R.S. § 13-3111). This law also provides some exceptions where kids are allowed to have and use a gun under certain restricted conditions.
For example, a kid can carry a gun if he or she is with a parent, grandparent, qualified hunter safety instructor, or qualified firearms safety instructor as long as there is permission from a parent or guardian. When involved in lawful hunting or shooting events or marksmanship practice, kids between the ages of 14 and 18 are allowed to be in possession of a firearm.(A.R.S. § 13-3111). Because there are many exceptions and details in this statute, you may want to read the law or consult a gun expert or lawyer before actually possessing a firearm.
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On 11/15/03
Johnny from IL said:
Kids Shouldent carry guns because if they do all that means is bad kill and jail for you. Giving them guns is like giving them beer and letting them go gamble. dont let kids carry guns. thats why it is a law.and whoever is listening to me you better listen or if you dont do what i say soon you will end up in jail
On 10/29/03
justin from MI said:
kids under 14 should not be aloud to carry bear arms. its just not right.
On 10/27/03
Jeff from OK said:
Giving your kids guns is like asking them to drink poision. Its stupid and only ends with somone in the hospital. Are you really thinking when you say to give Guns to minors. No of course not, thats dumb, For a lot of reasons. Like violence, accidents, abuse. There are good laws about keeping weapons from kids. Lets keep it that way. Kids and teens arn't responcible enough. Plain and simple.
On 07/01/03
adric from CO said:
I agree with you i do think they should be able to, but only for protection, and if the parents say they can!!!
On 05/20/03
Jeff from OK said:
What you say is partly true, children like myself shouldn't be allowed to carry weaponry on the streets. I know I have friends that would use and abuse that policy. Not to mention the fact that teenagers are more likly to get in a argument where they say that violnce is the awsure. You are also wrong, guns arn't just for eliminating things. They are also for little paper targets. Or in some cases big paper targets. Besides the fact that they we're made for protection, they we're also made for entertainment. Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People. Did you know that after England banned guns
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