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    Speak Up! - View Question #90

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    Question: My parents are divorced with joint custody but I really don't want to spend very much time with my father. How are custody issues decided?

    Answer: In divorce cases the judge makes custody decisions based on what he or she considers to be best for the children. Changes in custody agreements are made only after the parents have formally requested a change and demonstrated that the change is best for the child. (A.R.S. § 25-403).


    1 thru 5 of 38 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   
    On 01/25/09
    Alex from TX said:
    My father is a jerk he accused me and my cuzzinsof killin a fetus by tryin 2 get my aunt 2 ride rides at Disney and I did not and would not do that I love my aunt and the baby that's not born yet this isn't the first time he's said somthing like this but I'm finally fed up...I really don't want to see him again an I want to know how to make this possible
    On 01/14/09
    brook from KS said:
    I live with my mom and she is a myth head. i really want to be amancipated. My father is a preacher and he said he would sighn the papers for me but my parents have joint cusdity how would that work i really need to know.
    On 01/09/09
    n/a from TN said:
    hey i live with my dad bt i want to live with my mom. i love my dad so much bt he iz so... ya kno strict and i kant ever get thru to him and he doesnt let me have any rights at all. bt with my mom i kan alwayz talk to her and she reele understands me.i just want to kno how i kan live wit her
    On 02/06/08
    T from WA said:
    My parents have been divorced for about 7 years now and my mom is disabled. We are going through a really hard time right now and I cant even discribe how much I'd rather live at my dad's house; there is so much less stress over there and I can actually leave the house. (since my mom is disabled, we dont really go there.) She is really mean because of the disease, nd it does things psychologically to he making her very intolerant and over protective. My dad lives close, butismovingclosertomyscool.Iwanttogetthingsfiguredoutbeforehedoes.whatcanidotogetsomeonetowarrantadifferentcustodysituation?
    On 02/05/08
    Becca from VT said:
    I live with Mom right now a and see my Dad on the weekends, my Mom isn't a very good parent is often drinking. I really want to live with my Dad but I don't know how to change that. Can anyone help? Also my Dad is always getting pushed around by mom for child support, I've heard that if you have recipes for things the non-custodial parent bought they can deduct that from there child care payments.
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