Speak Up! - View Question #1

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Question: If I have a driving permit, how old does the other licensed driver in the car have to be?

Answer: According to Arizona Law, the licensed driver in the vehicle with the permitee must occupy the seat beside the permitee who is driving the vehicle and must hold a class A, B, C, or D driver's license. The law does not specify the required age of the licensed driver, however people must generally be 18 years old to have a class A, B, C, or D driver's license.

A person with a driver's permit may also want to check to see if the car insurance policy on the car and driver specify who the licensed driver can be. Legally, a licensed teen driver could accompany a permitee, but the insurance policy covering the vehicle may require the parent or legal guardian of the permitee to be in the car while the person with the permit is driving.

16 thru 20 of 76 comments
On 04/29/06
kyle from OH said:
i have heard that u cant get ur temps until ur 16 in unless u were born in 1990 1991 bu tif u born in 91 u have to be born befor ethe last four months of the year
On 04/29/06
from PA said:
WHats the earliest that u can get a permit in PA in 2006
On 04/07/06
Rachelle from AL said:
why do you have to be sixteen to get ur liscence? Why can't you be younger?
On 03/25/06
gaz from Othr said:
how old do u hav 2 be 2 drive a car wen u r born in 1990
On 03/19/06
delia from FL said:
how old do u have 2 b 2 get a permit in fl.
16 thru 20 of 76 comments

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