I was thrilled. I had been asked to the prom, the biggest night of the year, by the guy that everyone wanted to date. I was the envy of all of my friends. I couldn’t believe that this was happening to me! I knew that this was going to be the best night of my life.
We met some friends at the dance and started taking tons of pictures. I was having fun with my friends but my date was bored and impatient. Finally he told me that he wanted to leave so that we could be alone. I wasn’t sure that was such a good idea but I knew I didn't want our date to be over so soon. We got in the car and drove around for awhile. Then he stopped the car and started to force himself on me. I didn’t like it and I told him I wanted him to stop and to take me home immediately. He did take me home even though he seemed pretty mad at me. I talked to my parents and the counselor at school about what happened. I didn’t want anyone to get into trouble but I did think it was important for me to be able to talk to the adults that I trust. A few days after this happened we had an assembly on dating issues. During the assembly the presenter talked about the laws regarding sexual conduct. We all learned that certain types of sexual conduct are felonies. (ARS 13-1401-1406). I think it helped to hear how serious this can be. The guy who had been my prom date even apologized to me later in the day. I’m sure he and I won’t go out again but at least we can be polite to each other. I also know I won’t let myself get into a situation like that again.
On 04/30/09 PLOLO from AL said:
On 04/30/09
from AL said:
i thanked he just mixed singles from u and he shouldent of got on u uless u started it and he shoulednt get intoruble and good u forgave him and that he appoligized
On 04/17/09 Terrie from CT said:
Stay away from him! Forgive him, yes, but don't allow yourself to be in that situation with him or anyone else again!
On 04/08/09 stacy from CA said:
wow you did the right thing im glade you did it no guy should have the right to touch you !!! but it is stupied to still talk to him . and i bet he knows that
On 03/16/09 Mike from KS said:
Sorry you missed your the rest of your PROM. At least he stopped whey you told him. You should feel great that you did the right thing. The School did the right thing as well. He learned from what the school did. And good of him for saying he was sorry. Both of you learned and you should feel good about yourself for doing the right thing. Missing your PROM, allowed you to learn, allow him to learn, and it may have just saved you for the next guy thay may not have stopped when you asked. The next time you won't get into such a situation. Be Blessed.
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as a public service to the general public and is not intended to serve
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questions you may have about the laws affecting juveniles or any
legal interpretations.