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Speak Up! - View Question #258 |
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Question: If you have a warrant out for missing a court date when you are a juvenile, does it get wiped off your record once you turn 18?
Answer: If the warrant is for failing to appear in juvenile court on a delinquency charge, the warrant should be quashed (cancelled) when you turn 18. The pending delinquency petition should also be dismissed, as juvenile court has lost jurisdiction over you.
HOWEVER, the charge can be filed against you in adult court, and another warrant could be issued if you fail to appear for court.
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On 04/16/09
SAS 2 from TX said:
2 months ago i got in a bit of trouble in school for insabordination, assault on teach, disrespectful to officer, and then, they tell me that court date is 14th of april. its 16 and just found the letter. was sent the 9th. and have another one on the 20'th for Pos. What do i do??? do i just skip another court date, or do i go in and just act like nothing happened.
On 01/10/09
nic from Othr said:
hi,i had to go to court in cyprus for abh,was totally stupid and have to back in few weeks but im not gonna,wat will happen?will i ever be able to go back?
On 07/23/08
Randy from AL said:
I have acourt date for a 1st offense DUi charge, speeding and no DL comming up in August 2008. I have to leave town to go to work and may not be back for a long time. Will there be a state wide warrant issued for my arrest or just a local warrant?
On 02/11/07
chris from CA said:
I so got arested in vegas for burglury and pos of stolen property and then Moved and I have waited 3 years and Im about to tuen 18 ,and Im going back I herd the warrent drops but Not sure......
On 02/08/07
Valentine from MI said:
My fiance is going through kind of the same thing, he was caught shoplifting but missed his court date. This is not his first time either, he has been in trouble before, but he ran from it the last time, I know that he can incur some serious jail time, but i can't seem to find him ANYWHERE on the internet. no records of his arrests, nothing saying that he has a bench warrant NOTHING!!!! and it is all so frustrating, if anyone can help me i would greatly apreciate it...
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