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Chances are there is an Arizona law (or two) that you don't like or that you personally don't agree with. What can you do? It's easy to complain to everyone that you don't like a particular law. And breaking a bad law is no good. Remember that you are still held accountable if you choose to break a law you don't agree with. But, did you know that there's something else you can do? You can actually change the law!

The American system of government allows citizens and their representatives to change the law and create new laws through a legislative process. Even though you may not be old enough to vote, you are still able to share your opinion with elected officials who make and change Arizona laws.

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(only public high schools are available at this time. If you don't attend a public high school, pick the public high school closest to where you live.)

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Disclaimer: The information contained in this site is made available as a public service to the general public and is not intended to serve as legal advice. You should consult a trained legal professional for questions you may have about the laws affecting juveniles or any legal interpretations.

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