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  • I am 17 and im currently with a 30 year old. my dad just found out and wants to press charges. the age of consent in sc is 16. Can he press charges on him?
  • How Loud can the exhaust on your car be without being illegal?
  • What would the penalty be for possessing 10 ounces of marijuana?

  • Recently I was specifically threatened via Facebook. We filed a report pressing charges on her, because she is very crazy and she got her older sister and best friend to harass my sister. At bond court the Judge said she was charged with Illegal use of Telephone. Is that right? Or could she be charged with Assault by imtimidation?

  • What steps would you take to propose a law?

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    You'll find questions that other kids have asked at the bottom of this page. Clicking on the question will take you to an answer!

    We hope that you are able to answer your questions related the law on LawForKids.org. If you don't find the answers here, look on the LawForKids.org law pages or Speak Up pages or Submit your own Speak Up question to LawForKids.org.

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    If you runaway from home while you are a minor can you be charged with any thing if you return after you turn 18.


    If I am a full time college student and I get married can my parents still declare me on thir taxes if my husband does not?


    What happens when a grand jury isn't used in a trial case?


    At what age is the bill of rights and the constitution in effect?


    what positions can take place during a trial


    My parents died when I was 15 and I was placed into a DES group home. When I turned 18 I had to leave. I have no identification so I can't get a job. All I have is an old High School ID card. Everywhere I call I can't get any identification because I don't already have identification. Who can I call to get some help please?


    Is it legal to spraypaint a basketball court on a street, such as a culdesac outside my house?


    How do you know if you have a warrant out for your arrest? Do the courts notify you or do you just wait to get pulled over and go to jail because you didn't know?


    Are there any states that don't have a good samaritan law?


    If you refuse to let a police officer in your home, can he force his way in?


    What is an incorigable act?


    In a murder trial can you 1) fire your lawyer midtrial? 2) intro new crucial evidence of guilt while jury is deliberating?


    I am 16 years old. I can no longer stay here at home.It has gotten to the point where I get offensive about everything,I cuss constantly, I feel like every time i get mad i want to punch something. I jus cant handle living here anymore.I love school because it gets me away from my mother.What would happen if i ranaway and went to go stay with my boyfriend an his family? Would my boyfriend' mom and dad get into trouble?


    what is a juvenile?


    Can my parents kick me out of their home if I am 18 but still in highschool?


    How many states have legalized fireworks?


    Can I win money in a Karaoke contest or do I have to be 21?


    Hi. I'm 13 and my sister I think is 11 or somewhere around that age. Anyway she was adopted at birth to my mom's best friend who agreed she would let us see her. Well she contacted us I think last year and sent some old pictures but it was another woman's address. I was wondering if me and my mom are allowed to contact her and see her. Please give me any laws similar to these questions. Thank you so much. Jamie


    Is it legal for a parent receiving child support to spend it all on bills and not set up any kind of account for the child?


    what are the requirements to become a Supreme Court Justice

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