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  • Is it illegal to download foreign items that is not licensed in United States?

  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

  • how many people can i have in my car,and what is the curfew in goodyear,az

  • what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

  • Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.

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    Speak Up! - Browse Questions about Driving

    Driving is a responsibility that Arizona youth 15 years and 7 months old and older can have. However, to be a legal driver in Arizona one must obtain a Driver's License, regardless of age.

    The first step to becoming legally licensed driver in Arizona is to obtain an instructional (or learner's) permit. At 16 years of age you can apply for a Class G Graduated Drivers License. You must also have at least 5 months of driving with an instructional permit and a certain amount of qualified driving experience to get a Class G driver's license. At age 18, you can apply for a Class C driver's license.

    Read more on the Arizona Department of Transportation's website about Arizona's Driver's License laws and new laws that went into effect just this year for young drivers.

    If you have a driving-related question that does not appear on this page and is not answered on the Arizona Department of Transportation Web Site, go to the LawForKids.org SPEAK UP Q & A question page.

    Arizona Motor Vehicle Department to find out about Arizona driving laws

    Displaying 1 thru 20 of 187 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   
      Is it true that you cant get your drivers license until your 18 if you were born during or after the year of 1994? I was born June 4, 1994 will i be able to get my license when i`m 16 if i`ve met all other requirements?


    Can a police officer pull you over because you look too young to drive?

      I was apparently pulled over for failure to stop at a stop sign, which i did stop for and I saw the police car a quarter mile down the empty street and was pulled over for failure to stop at a stop sign but then interrogated for an hour by the officer and three other cars. I was subjected to sobriety tests and questioning as well as allowing the police to search my car. I do not drink or do drugs and was cited for the stop sign.. I took it without protest but are there any ways that I am able to get a copy of the police camera video from his cruiser? I felt harassed and improperly cited
      Is it illegal to drive with your dog on your lap?
      Can you drive without any shoes on?
      Are Helmets required for jet skis?? Or will they be soon?
      Can you report a person driving with children that are not seat belted in?
      can officer impound vehicle when licesene was suppended for just not paying traffic ticket?

    what is the age limit for a off road driving lisence.

      How old to drive a car with out a parent.
      I got my permit on December first when can I get my lisence
      I was drinking during the day the other day and my friend, who was a sober driver, got pulled over. The cop asked for IDs but I didn't have mine because I was at a pool party all day. He gave me a Minor in Consumption ticket because he smelled alcohol on me and I told him I was not 21. What is the typical fine for a minor in consumption in Arizona and are there diversion programs you can take?
      If a cop pulls me over for speeding, what are my rights? Can I ask for a print out of the radar gun? What else am I entitled to in this situation?
      Do you think it is dangerous for kids to drive at 15,16,and 17 years old?
      If you don’t get your license until you turn 18, do you still have to have your permit for 5 months?

    A police officer asked to search my car after he checked my ID. I was leaving a skate park lot and was approached by him while I was in the vehicle. I gave permission as I had nothing to hide. What are my rights and should a parent be called?


    Is there a motorized skateboard law in Scottsdale?
    What are the driving laws for a motorized skateboard in Scottsdale, Arizona?

      Where can I find some information about voting?
      Can a parent block someone from getting a drivers license?
      Can you be pulled over for not using a turn signal?
    Displaying 1 thru 20 of 187 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   

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