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  • Is it illegal to download foreign items that is not licensed in United States?

  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

  • how many people can i have in my car,and what is the curfew in goodyear,az

  • what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

  • Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.

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    Speak Up! - Browse Questions about Arrested

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      my boy friend was arrested and violated probaition becouse of a dirty ua with meth. i heard that there was a knew law that said his probaition could be revoked ad he could do 10 th 13 years in prison just becouse of neth. is that a knew law?

      What is the penalty for growing marijuana in arizona? I am growing two small plants without the intent to sell?

    A group of my friends got into a fight with another group of boys, and one of my friends broke another guy's arm with a hammer. He is 18 and is being charged with attempted murder. If convicted, how long will he be in jail for?

      I was recently arrested at my work for stealing about 600.00 dollars over a months period of time while working there and when i was caught by camera an my work interigated me for an hour before they called the police and the police came they released me to my parent ten told me they would send papers on when my court date is. What charges could i get?

    Can a Cop in the state of Arizona, make you go to the bathrooom outside while you are in their custody?


    (not to sound like a smart...) What happens when a lil child (1yr old) commits murder? [ex. parents sleeping and child sets house on fire]


    My boyfriend was out with friends last night and they decided to set off homemade chlorine bombs. They are all over 18 and were arrested and charged with a class 4 felony. They spent the night in jail. It is the first offense for all of them and they don't drink or do drugs and are relatively good students. What could happen to them?

      My best friend just got out of serving 9 months in jail for 'leaving the sceen of an accident resulting in death or injury'. This is her first offence. She is paying the state and doing probation. Provided her probation has no issues, will she have her rights again? How long will that be? What will change in her life?
      Can I be arrested for not going to school?

    If a child was arrested for child molestation charge at age 12, will he have to register as an offender? I have been told that this is up to the PO and the Judge. My understanding is the child has to be 13 or older?


    if my boyfriend has a restraining order against him not to see me until he's off probation that is up 8 months after i turn 18, can he still go to jail even though i'm 18?

      what is the ARS statute number for a homicide?
      If I got busted with weed what the worse that could happen?
      If you are in a gang what happens if you tell a police officer?
      Is there going to be a new law taking place here in Arizona sometime in 2006(?) that you cannot be able to apply for a license until you are 18?
      Can still have a warrent put out for my arrest if i went to court for a curfew ticket and didnt go to the classes i was required to take?
      My brother-in-law's former girlfriend was arrested for attempted murder. How long will she be in jail?
      I would like to know if a bee bee gun would be considered a firearm, deadly weapon, ect. I have been convicted of a felony and want to know if im allowed to have a bee bee gun and take it camping with me if i want to i have kids and they like to shot the bee bee gun but i carry it when were out and i would like to know if this is legal i carry it in a hoster when camping. IS this leagal???
      How long does it take till you should recived your court day in the mail?
      What happens if someone can't afford an attorney, but their parents make too much money to qualify for a public defender? This could happen if the parents make good money, BUT have huge bills and can't afford to hire an attorney. What can this person do???
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