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  • Is it illegal to download foreign items that is not licensed in United States?

  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

  • how many people can i have in my car,and what is the curfew in goodyear,az

  • what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

  • Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.

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    Speak Up! - Browse Questions about Sexual Assault and Misconduct

    Displaying 1 thru 20 of 31 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]  2    
      Could my father or mother stop me from dating my 19 year old boyfriend? Since we aren't having sex could they press any charges against him?
      What is the punishment for Sex with a minor?
      who can press charges for stachetory rape

    What's the difference between rape, molestation, and sexual harrassment?


    What happens if a person under the age of consent rapes a person over the age of consent? (Ex: A 12 year old rapes an 18 year old.)

      I was raped by my principal at my school. What should I do to make him stop.
      What if your employer sexually harassed you in the work place or outside of work? Also askes you to try and get him illegal drugs?
      Is it illegal for a boy 16yrs old to have a 12yr ols girlfriend, in Az., if the parent is completely against it?

    It says here on question "What are the laws regarding minors and sexual consent?" that a minor can not consent to sexual conduct. However, its says here  on question "i am 16 dating a 20 year old we are not having sex. is that illegal?" Its okay if the younger is at least 15, not 24 months younger than the older, and the older person is either still in high school or under 19. These seem to contradict eachother? Which is it?

      I have been given a ticket on indecent exposure for masturbating in a parking lot inside my car. Would you please let me know what could be the fine and punishments?.
      Is it illegal to have sexual conduct with a dog?
      My girlfriend's father beats/rapes her on a regular basis, her mother doesn't seem to care, and her father has taught her brother to disrespect and hurt her as well. She's 17 still, and I'm 16, and I'm wondering if she could move in with me and my mother until she turns 18
      My sister had sex with a 16 year old and she is only 14 i dont think thats right and isnt that illgal because under 15 is like a minor and shes not 15 till October?
      Is it considered rape if you are passed out and someone has sex with you when you dont know?
      If you dont trust your teacher or feel he may sexually assault you and they make you stay after class do you have the right to say no and leave.
      Is it illegal to have sex with a goat.
      I have a 15 yr old friend who's father has sexually molested him and a couple of years ago he raped a girl. He feels awful and needs counsoling but is scared of going to prison. What would happen if he told someone? And what might happen to his father?
      Is sex with an emancipated minor illegal?
      I was sexually assaulted and abused by a cop? What can I do to make him stop?
      im 15. boyfriend is 22. can he get charged with sexual misconduct if we havent had sex or done anything sexual. my mother is charging him with sexual assault. what can i do?
    Displaying 1 thru 20 of 31 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]  2    

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