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  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

  • how many people can i have in my car,and what is the curfew in goodyear,az

  • what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

  • Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.

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    Speak Up! - Browse Questions about Curfew

    What is Curfew?

    Curfew is how late you can legally stay outside in a public place. The State of Arizona allows each city to set curfews, and they can be different from place to place. If you violate curfew you may be ticked, have to pay a fine or do community service or held at the police station while a parent or guardian is called. Your parent or guardian is also susceptible to being cited for your violation of curfew laws., or che. Curfews are often different on weekends and weeknights and are often different if you are under the age of 16 or under the age of 18.

    Displaying 1 thru 20 of 44 record(s) Show all questions »      [ 1 ]  2   3    
      What is the curfew in Sedona, Arizona? Also, what is the curfew in Flagstaff, Arizona?
      what is the curfew for sahuarita arizona??
      what is the curfew for Queen Creek Arizona?
      What is curfew in YUma, Arizona?
      What is the curfew for Casa Grande, Arizona?
      What is the curfew in Fountain Hills, AZ?
      What is the curfew in Cottonwood/Clarkdale, AZ?
      What is the curfew for Scottsdale, Arizona?

    What is the typicall punishment for a curfew violation and a minor consumption ticket in chandler arizona?

      What is the curfew in Ahwatukee?

    What is the curfew for Miami AZ.

      What is the curfew in fort mohave arizona?
      What is the curfew in Eloy, AZ?

    I would like a current list of all the curfew times of all Phoenix Metro cities...and the basic exceptions

      Is it legal for parents to lock their kids out if they don't come home by curfew?

    what is the cerfew for pinetop-lakeside, az?

      In Show Low, Arizona what is the curfew for kids over the age of 16?
      What is the curfew and what happens if I'm out past that time?
      Is attending night-long parties illegal if you have parental permission?

    What is the curfew for Surprise, AZ?

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