Question: Can I get emancipated if I'm only 15, if I'm pregnant, and still going to school? And can I live with my boyfriend which he has a job and will prvied everything needed for me and my baby.
See the Emancipation section of this website for more information on Emancipation. Also, check out the Maricopa County Superior Court website for the specific requirements in order to get emancipated. Note that the court's website states that if you want to apply for emancipation, you have to be at least 16 years old but less than 18.
On 05/29/09 CeeGee from MD said:
OMG! What a way to give info to someone in need. Jerk! I'm not gonna tell you to run of with you boyfriend and think that life is going to be rainbows and lolipops. Life is hard as hell and childen make it 4 times as hard. Even if you are settled and established (unless you can get a nanny but then, why leave home huh). My advice would be stay at home and use that resource as best you can until you are comfortable with being able to support the baby without anyones help. Boyfriends are not stable households and theres not garrantee he's going to stay your boyfriend...
On 05/12/09 cali from AL said:
youre an idiot. i had my daughter when i was 16, i needed my mom and families support. let me say this. YOU CANNOT RAISE THAT BABY on your own. you arent ready. believe me. no matter how "adult" you seem, or whatever taco bell job your boyfriend need more then that. especailly in todays economy. grow up and open your eyes or you and your baby are in alot of trouble.
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as a public service to the general public and is not intended to serve
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questions you may have about the laws affecting juveniles or any
legal interpretations.