Speak Up! - View Question #103

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Question: Is there a law that prohibits minors from attending R-rated movies?

Answer: There is no law passed by Arizona or the Federal Government that prohibits minors from attending R-rated movies. The rating system that you are asking about is put out by the Motion Picture Association. Theatre owners voluntarily enforce the guidelines. Currently, about 85% of theatres in the United States subscribe to this system and will not admit individuals under 17 to R-rated movies without a parent or guardian present. If you would like more information regarding MPAA and their rating system, call the MPAA at 220-293-1966 or visit their website www.mpaa.org

31 thru 34 of 34 comments
On 03/19/02
Vix from TX said:
I worked at a movie theater for 3 years, the reason they card for rated "R" movies is that politicians were threatening to try and enact laws about the movie rating rather that having them be voluntarily followed. If that were to happen then movie theaters could be fined and such for breaking laws.
On 03/19/02
Jay from SC said:
While I'm not sure about Arizona, most states have their own statues regarding the enforcement of underage admissions to rated R films. In SC, state obscenity law mandates that one be 17 years of age or older, unless accompanied by parent, for admission to a rated R film. This is not to say that the parent can accompany the child to the box office for ticket purchase, rather that the parent accompany the child into the film. While it is up to the individual theatre to actually enforce this law, many do not. This creates a hardship on those theatres that are trying to comply with state/federal
On 03/07/02
Nikki from AZ said:
It's all pointless, either they let me in, or I find my own way...
On 01/31/02
Emily from ME said:
I've been to an R-rated movie before all i did was ask the guy he gave me the ticket and i just asked him if it was ok for me to go in cause my mom said it was ok...
31 thru 34 of 34 comments

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