Speak Up! - View Question #17280

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Question: Is Mooning someone Illegal?


In Arizona, “mooning” is classified as indecent exposure.


Under ARS § 13-1402, men or women commit an act of indecent exposure if they expose their genitals or anus, and women if they expose the areola or nipple of a breast.  To be considered indecent exposure, another person must be present and there must be a reasonable determination that the person is offended or alarmed by the act (for example, it is unreasonable to think that someone would be alarmed by indecent exposure in a strip club, but reasonable if someone exposed themselves at the mall).


Indecent exposure is a class is a class 1 misdemeanor.

Indecent exposure to a person under the age of fifteen years is a class 6 felony. Jail time for a class 6 felony is a minimum of 6 months with a maximum of eighteen months. 

6 thru 10 of 10 comments
On 08/14/06
charles from AZ said:
these kids who lived next door to me would moon me all the time. but i know its just good fun, and i'm not going to be responsible for landing them in jail. Arizona lawmakers need to grow up!
On 04/18/06
laci from LA said:
I think you were just putting things down that poped up in your head!
On 10/08/05
from AL said:
i think that if someone does that and is caught they should pay a fine or do community service being sent to jail is somewhat to extreme
On 09/14/05
wanda from NY said:
never done it never will
On 01/25/05
devyn from AZ said:
I mooned somone once and i got arrested but they let me go in the morning. oh and you repeated yourself twice
6 thru 10 of 10 comments

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