Speak Up! - View Question #17434

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Question: What types of lawyers are there and what is their average salary?


One of the best resources for finding out more about the legal profession and how much lawyers earn is from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. This department of the government tracks information about all professions.  The two links below will let you find out everything you ever wanted to know about becoming a lawyer and how much they earn.




46 thru 50 of 87 comments
On 06/28/07
from Othr said:
You all need to wake up to the fact that being a lawyer is not having fun arguing, or liking to give your oppinion. Being a lawyer involves having good language skills such as being a good public speaker, it also involves you knowing the laws and when thay have been broken. Don't just choose your job because you think you have a good oppinion or you are a good arguer, your choice of job, esspecially if it involves study like a lawyer, will then most likely be one for life and you will live with it forever, so make sure your choice of job is the right one for the right resons.
On 06/25/07
Brando from NJ said:
Theresa from Ohio describes ME perfectly. It is exactly like me. Cannot describe myself any better.
On 06/09/07
Teresa from OH said:
I just recently decided that i wanted to be a lawyer. I know that i like to argue about lots of things. I make my point known to everyone and make them see in my point of vuew. I also like to keep very busy. I hated those summers in highshool where i had nothing to do for hours at a time. In highschool i was also involved in many clubs so that i would rarely have a free minutes. I thrive of the challenges that i face everyday. I also know that i have had a great education and that i can succeed in law school and become a great lawyer.
On 06/04/07
Vivian from MD said:
I am smart so I believe that I can be whatever I want to be. Not just a lawyer or attorney, but anything.
On 05/25/07
monica from AZ said:
I've always wanted to be a lawyer since i was about 8 years old. Up to now i have'nt changed my mind. I love proving whats right or rong. If i believe something there no way i'll change my mind and i prove that i'am right.
46 thru 50 of 87 comments

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