Speak Up! - View Question #17493

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Question: Can I be arrested for not going to school?


It is against the law for anyone between the ages of six and sixteen to not attend school. However, there are some exceptions through excused absences, home school, etc. Even if you miss just one class period without an excuse, you are considered truant.

If you miss school a lot (5 days, unexcused) you are considered to be habitually truant (A.R.S. § 15-803). An attendance officer can enforce this law. The officer can give you a ticket requiring you and a parent to appear before an official of the court. (A.R.S. § 15-805) If you are habitually truant you could be put on probation, have your driver's license taken away, or have to attend counseling or educational classes. (A.R.S. § 8-323)

31 thru 35 of 36 comments
On 02/11/07
Priscilla from FL said:
yes going to jail is important and even if you can't go to jail your parents could go to jail for a certain number of days if you don't show up at school or you could be put into a program(and the program is even worse than going to school)so i say it again if you wanna be somebody if you wanna go somewhere you HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!!
On 12/18/06
Samantha from KS said:
School is required. You can be forced to go to school. If you don't go to school, they aren't able to arrest you but you can be dropped a grade or may have to attend summer school to make up for detentions you would have received from skipping class. School is not a privelege, it is a responsibility and a requirement.
On 11/03/06
James from GA said:
School is a privilege. it's not mandatory. if you get arrested than sue
On 07/05/06
Ally from GA said:
i really like this
On 05/02/06
sarah from IN said:
i skipped school on purpose and i finally just quit and they didnt do the truant thing on me
31 thru 35 of 36 comments

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