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Question: Can a 13 year old work in a fast food restaurants, or is it only 14 year olds?

Answer: Federal law sets 14 as the youngest age you would be able to work in a fast food restaurant, or most other jobs. Different companies may have different policies on how young they will hire people.

56 thru 59 of 59 comments
On 09/23/05
Faith Ann from KS said:
I think teens that are 13 should be able to get a job because 13 is when you grow mature and become a teenager.
On 09/14/05
sydney from MD said:
it is not fair that the youngest age is fourteen,it should be thirteen because it is when you become more resonsible and you are a young adult.
On 09/06/05
stephanie from AZ said:
well i dont have a job but in the summer vacation i wanna get one but i thought that only from 16 or olders can have a job but now that i read this im gonna get a job in somewhere. thanks
On 09/02/05
Victor from KS said:
Well, I work at burger King and over there you must be at least 14 to work. But even then, you can only work so many hours a week because you are a minor under 16.- peace
56 thru 59 of 59 comments

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