Speak Up! - View Question #18438

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Question: My sister had sex with a 16 year old and she is only 14 i dont think thats right and isnt that illgal because under 15 is like a minor and shes not 15 till October?


Yes, you are technically correct that it is illegal to have sex with a minor under the age of 15. According to the Arizona law, sexual conduct with a minor who is under fifteen years of age is a class 2 felony (ARS §13-1405).

6 thru 10 of 18 comments
On 07/27/07
from Othr said:
It's amazing how alot of people don't even read the situation and just respond with needless answers... It depends on the law of whichever state. Supposly, yes it's illegal, is it good or bad? depends on one's self. I mean, that's why they teach safe sex and all that stuff. just be aware of the consequences.
On 07/18/07
kkkkk from CA said:
is it illegal yo be fifthteen and date some on thats 12 turning thirteen
On 06/19/07
ico from AL said:
On 08/12/06
from OH said:
I am a parent and I do my best to teach my children that they should wait untill marriage to have sex. I think that you are too young and you don't even know how to be a dad. Do you think that you are ready for that responsibility? Just do yourself and your girlfriend a favor, if you two really love each other than you will have no problem waiting and just enjoy being teenagers for a little while. You have too much on your plate as it is. Enjoy your life while you still have a chance.
On 08/04/06
Jolee from KY said:
i had sex with a 21 year old guy because he made me but i went along with it.
6 thru 10 of 18 comments

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