Speak Up! - View Question #193

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Question: Can adult on probation be denied right to work in another state?

Answer: Arizona state law (ARS ยง13-901) states that if a person who has been convicted of an offense is eligible for probation, the court may place such person on intensive probation supervision, or supervised or unsupervised probation upon such terms and conditions as the law requires and the court deems appropriate.

Therefore, when a Judge orders someone placed on probation and refers them to the Probation Department, the Court is granting the Probation Department a great deal of discretion to determine the terms and conditions under which the person will be supervised. The Arizona Probation Department only has jurisdiction and staff in Arizona so it would be reasonable to require someone on probation in Arizona to remain in Arizona to work so they can be supervised.

Many employers will screen applicants for past convictions for breaking the law. In fact, on virtually all employment applications, the question of whether you've been convicted of a crime is asked. So, it is often difficult for a convicted felon on probation to find employment. Nevertheless, even if an employer in another state had an interest to hire someone on probation in Arizona, the Arizona state law gives the Arizona Probation Department authority to order them to stay in Arizona.

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On 04/29/03
Geo from TX said:
I have been on probation for 5 years (10 years probation) and have always had job(thanks to God). The only obstacule is that I want to get into the law field (Legal Assistant) and really don't know if that will affect my elegibility. About working in another state; I was driving a truck for several months in the 50 states. My probation conditions allowed me to travel, but then again the Arizona State rules are different.
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