Speak Up! - View Question #270

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Question: Can an adult sue a minor? Can a minor sue a minor?

Answer: Yes to both questions. Generally, a minor may sue or be sued by another minor or adult.

However, minors cannot sue another person (or defend himself against another lawsuit) on their own. A minor needs help. A minor must sue or be sued through the help of a 'guardian ad litem.' (See Arizona Rule of Civil Procedure 17 (g-i)).

A guardian ad litem is a special guardian appointed by the court to represent the minor. In many cases, the minor's parent can be the guardian to do this. The guardian's role is to make sure that the minor's interests are expressed during the lawsuit. Generally, the child is the actual party named in the lawsuit and not the guardian.

So yes, with the help of a guardian ad litem, a minor can sue another minor or another adult.

6 thru 9 of 9 comments
On 03/06/06
Bryan from AZ said:
Think about it, if all these adults already cook up stupid lawsuits (like Caution: Hot Coffee incident), if they allow kids to sue another kid, without parents, the number of stupid lawsuits would double! Someone may be suing a kid for flipping him off at school!
On 08/10/02
ari from CA said:
i agree with mari because what if your gaurdian disagrees with your reason to sue
On 08/07/02
Tyler from CA said:
I think kids should be able to sue to the fullest extent of the law without their parents and the government hovering over their shoulders.
On 04/18/02
Mari from AZ said:
I think a minor could sue a other minor on their own because it all depends if they have a good reason, or thier parents could help a little but sence the law is that they can't do it themselves well then that's the law
6 thru 9 of 9 comments

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