Speak Up! - View Question #333

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Question: What level of government or agency is responsible for dealing with teen abortion?

Answer: The state legislature makes laws regarding abortion, including teen abortion. The members of the state legislature are elected. People who are unhappy with the abortion laws can challenge them in state and federal courts. A person who is considering an abortion can consult a doctor, parent, relative, counselor or another trusted adult, but does not need to consult the government.

6 thru 10 of 15 comments
On 04/12/04
Vanessa from ME said:
Three words: Use A Rubber!And dont get an abortion. You made the choice to have sex so you should have to face the consequences. You are killing a poor innocent baby that could grow up to be just as smart as you are. Don't take that life away just because you weren't smart enough to know what you were doing and why you weren't being smart about it! Try harder next time to fight the sexual urges! So the people that said that it should be 100% legal are WRONGE! It shouldn't be legal because its murdering someone! P.S- every 22seconds a abortion occures, and the aborted fetus live
On 04/06/04
Christina from NC said:
Abortion is wrong when u are killing a baby and you are the one who had sex in the first place. But u have to think about women who are raped and who had no say so in having sex. i dont agree with abortion under certain circumstances.Then on some circumstances i do.
On 04/05/04
Loni from ME said:
People say that a baby doesnt become a actual "life form", untill a ceritan point. But Its not true, as soon as the sperm touches the egg, it becomes a life form! Right away skin cells, bone cells, hair cells, ect. start growing to form who we are today! Abortion should NOT be legal, no matter what the cirmstances! If two people make the decision to have sex in the first place they should think about the consqences.The baby is a soul (and it says so in the bible), so why abort a fetus when it has a right to be there. Plus their are many other choices to make: such as adoption, or homes.
On 03/27/04
tony from NY said:
How can u say its not murder. Its a baby, its growing, if its growing its alive so there for your killing a baby.
On 03/16/04
Nick from VA said:
Jessica is right. Abortion is not murder until a certain point of growth. In old common law abortion was legal until the mother's "Quickening" which is when the baby first moves. i think that a law should be passed making abortion 100% legal unitl a certain time, But i also agree that the guy should wear a Condom, c'mon guys use your heads.
6 thru 10 of 15 comments

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