Speak Up! - View Question #347

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Question: What happens when someone under 18 is caught with a fake ID?

Answer: Under Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 4-241(e), a person under the legal drinking age who uses a fake ID or uses the ID of another person to get into a bar is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor and will be prosecuted. Also, under A.R.S. 28-3309, anyone who is convicted for using fake ID will have his or her driver's license suspended for 6 months for the first conviction and 12 months for each following conviction. Consult your school or city librarian for help on finding the laws governing this issue in your state.

16 thru 20 of 21 comments
On 01/26/03
Lindsay from AL said:
I live in canada and i think its dumb that in some cases you can face jail time for using a fake ID...although ive never seen that done...ive only heard of people being charged here. If you are like me.....and you live in canada, because the drinking age is 19, at 18 almost every teen has an ID, even before then. SO i think it IS TOO strict that they need to chill out. AT LEAST its not like credit card fraud or something......EVERYONE drinks underage....Especially when you're close to the legal age!
On 05/19/02
dan from IL said:
No matter what police do, kids of any age who want to get alcohol under 21 can easily find one way or another to get it. We dont need fake ids to do it. So go ahead and keep enforcing these laws. Adults used to drink when they were under 21, so stop being hippocrits.
On 04/16/02
ryan from CA said:
I dont think that parents need to take responsibility for their children who are caught with fake i.d.s. If you are a teen in high school like myself or in college drinking is a huge part of the atmosphere. If thats the only reason why we use fake i.d.s then the law should be grateful were not using it for credit card fraud. Sure we who use them should be punished, but not with the obscure fines or jail time. It could happen to any teen in that case.
On 12/10/01
JDG from AZ said:
I think it's a great law. If the parent's would wake up and start taking the responsibility of raising their children then the states wouldn't have to take the responsibility of punishing them by taking their license when they mess up.
On 12/07/01
sammy from AZ said:
i think this a stupid law and it should be taken off
16 thru 20 of 21 comments

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