Speak Up! - View Question #362

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Question: What are the powers of the United States executive branch?

Answer: Article II of the United States Constitution explains the specific powers of the Executive Branch of government. In general, the executive branch of government concerns itself with enforcing and administering the law while the Legislative branch makes the law and the Judicial branch interprets the law.

The head of the executive branch is the President of the United States. The executive branch has 14 major departments and several separate agencies. Executive branch agencies are sometimes referred to as bureaucracieslarge organizations composed of clerks, administrators, and other workers. Executive branch bureaucracies disperse funds, manage programs, provide services, and enforce regulations and laws. They also make rules that have the force of law behind them.

For more information about the Executive branch, visit www.whitehouse.gov or www.firstgov.gov

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On 08/26/04
T'Lynn from AZ said:
I think that people who get cauht with drugs in their car should be in juvinial court. So that they will learn not to hang out with people who do drugs. But only for a little bit.
On 05/27/04
Dmitrik from DE said:
Try to look on constitutioncenter.org then go to the interactive tour
On 03/12/04
Brynda from SD said:
I came to find the powers of the Executive Branch but i didn't find any thing I searched for 3 days for my report.
On 03/09/04
Ryan from VA said:
My teacher asked us to do reasearch on the 52 states. What are they?
On 03/07/04
Sharon from CA said:
I was looking for more information on what the Executive Branch does and its responsibilities but I found very little. I wanted to find more information like which branch is responsible for maintaining the army. Thank you.
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