Speak Up! - View Question #381

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Question: What are the laws regarding minors and sexual consent?

Answer: In Arizona, a person under the age of 18 cannot consent to engage in sexual conduct. Other states have similar laws. You can find out about laws in your state by visiting your state government web page and using key words such as codes, statutes, legislation, etc.

16 thru 20 of 65 comments
On 05/18/04
Michaela from GA said:
I am sort of in the same situation right now. There is this man and he is like 40 something and he really claims he loves me and he cares for me, but I'm not so sure he does, in my opinion he is just using me for sex. I really hope that is not the case but if it is I have not one clue what to do. I know it is wrong and everything but I don't want to get him in trouble either, because I care about him too, and another reason is because if my dad knew this then he would probably get mad at him to the point of doing something he would later regret.
On 05/18/04
Mom from CA said:
Marriage is wonderful if you can own up to the responsibilities of it. You need full-time jobs, a place to live, food, childcare, medical insurance, transporation, utilities - in short, everything your parents have. If you are a teen and in love, get the stardust out of your eyes first thing. You are going to responsible the rest of your life,so be very sure you are up to the challenge. It is not easy and love does not conquer all. If you think it does, you are too young to be dating much less getting married.
On 05/14/04
zoiey from MA said:
im in the exact same situation!only im 22(im the girl) and hes 16! and i heard that unless u r having sex with this person u cant press charges!i wish i knew the facts!its so hard! i wish people would just b happy that we r happy and c me as, zoiey, not 22! we never had sex or ne thing so lave us alone!
On 04/19/04
Rachael from CA said:
When I was 16, almost 17 I started dating a guy who was 25. My parents knew and he was close to the family do they really did not mind. We just had to be considerate about house rules and so on. Well, my parents owned a company that was being searched by the police regaurding something that had to do with the cities mayor at the time. Someone had asked who my boyfriend was to the family and I said it was my boyfriend. I did not see anything wrong. We were not having sex and I did not plan on it. They arrested him for 'annoying or molesting a minor'
On 04/19/04
Rachael from CA said:
To continue, this happened in 8-99. We planned on getting married after I graduated in 2000. We did get married and we love each other dearly. You can get in trouble even if you are not having sex with eachother. Be safe.
16 thru 20 of 65 comments

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