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What exactly are the motorized skateboard laws for Phoenix, Arizona


See the Motorized Skateboard laws on the law section of this website.

11 thru 15 of 90 comments
On 04/26/04
Michelle from AZ said:
Anyone with grammar as bad as yours shouldn't allowed out on the streets! Better go to class more often.
On 04/26/04
Jessica from AZ said:
Scooters are wonderful products, but can be dangerous. Many kids have been seriously injured or killed because of negligent parents. Scooters are NOT recommended for children your age for a very good reason and maybe you should think about whether or not you're doing your kids any favors before one of them gets hurt (or worse) and you ruin scooting freedom for everyone.
On 04/26/04
Justin from AZ said:
Gopeds® ( a brand name) and other scooters are not classified as vehicles... yet. So they cannot be licensed or insured. That will change eventually and then all riders will have to be licensed. This seems very unfair and for the most part, I agree; however, there are so many reckless riders out there that have either caused accidents or gotten themselves killed, that the local government has resorted to these laws. I see kids blowing through stop signs without safety gear all the time. It's idiots like that that ruin it for the rest of us.
On 04/26/04
Justin from AZ said:
The ones the elderly ride are different and they don't tear down the street without helmets and run stop signs. I love my scooter am smart enough to know that it can be dangerous if I act like a moron on it. I can't say the same for all the kids on my street, one even ran over a little kid on a trycle yeserday and broke the kid's arm.
On 04/26/04
Bianna from AZ said:
It'a recommendation, not a law. Besides, these things should be decided on a case by case basis. I know some 11 year olds that are mature and some 18 year olds that act like they're 6.
11 thru 15 of 90 comments

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