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    Stories - View Story: Andrea's story

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    Prom night – nothing could be more exciting, right? My best friend and I had spent hours looking for dresses and doing our hair. It was perfect. We had been waiting for this night since both of us could remember and nothing was going to ruin it. My best friend called me the night before and told me that her parents had to go on an emergency trip to see her dying grandmother. It was a really sad story but what interested us was that she was planning on throwing a huge prom party at her house.

    That night after we got our pictures and dinner, my date and I headed over to her house. I couldn’t believe how many people had shown up! Everyone was there and everyone was having a great time! People were drinking and dancing and everything was awesome. I decided to spend the night over there so that I could help clean up the next day.

    Her parents got home the next morning at about the same time the police arrived. It turns out that someone who had been at the party had gotten into an accident and was intoxicated. The police asked where they got the alcohol and they pointed at my friend’s house. The police were very nice and explained to all of us that adults can be charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor if they knowingly allow minors to drink on their property (ARS 4-241.H.) Fortunately her parents didn’t know anything about the party or the alcohol! But police also told us that there is still a chance that through their homeowner’s insurance, her parents might get sued (be held civilly liable) because someone got hurt as a result of the party.

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    On 02/22/09
    Jcube from IL said:
    This website really shows me the injustice of the law and our government. Why should the parents get in trouble? Theres no logical reason for it.
    On 02/02/09
    criste from LA said:
    i dont think that they should get sewed b/c they had no idea about it!!
    On 01/07/09
    Shawn from FL said:
    That's wack yo. They should make the idiot who got intoxicated pay. It is his/her fault
    On 09/23/08
    Danny from AZ said:
    OH!! me da mucha saddness
    On 07/05/08
    Leira from OR said:
    I think your friend should have realized that her supplying the alcohol was dangerous. And she is at fault for letting them leave her party. I hope she at least got a fine or something so next time she can be aware of how she put their lives in danger.
    1 thru 5 of 105 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   

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