Speak Up! - View Question #422

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Question: How long does it take and what do you have to do to become a lawyer?


After graduating high school, it takes about 7 years of college to become a lawyer. In order to attend law school a person must first have a Bachelor's degree in any subject, which usually takes about 4 years to complete. About a year or so before a person wants to be in law school, they have to begin the application process. This includes taking a test called the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). The score on the test, along with the other application materials, helps the admissions officers to decide whether to accept or deny an application for law school.

Law school is 3 years. After law school, a person must be admitted to a state bar in order to practice law in that state. A person must pass a special test called the bar exam that tests the person on their knowledge of the law. The test is usually taken a few months after graduating law school. Additionally, state bars require a person be screened for character and fitness to practice before being admitted. In Arizona, students who graduate in May, pass the test in July and pass character and fitness review are admitted to practice in October, only 5 months after they have finished their schooling. Once admitted, you can practice law. To find out more about applying to law school, visit the Law School Admissions Council online.

6 thru 10 of 553 comments
On 05/11/09
Vicky from NY said:
I cant wait till summer
On 05/11/09
asya from GA said:
I think being a lawyer is a good thing for any young child to becocme and I want to become a lawyer
On 05/04/09
Ebony from NC said:
wow!!! this is wack. forget being a judge...im gonna be a CHEF. lol. nah.! i wanna encourage any one who has the willpower and the patience to atleast become a lawyer...BIG UPS TO YOU.!!!!
On 05/02/09
sammie from AL said:
I'd like to become a lawyer because it teaches you about, how judge or assest someone based on a story, or on something that you think is right or wrong also how to post right judgement to the different person in the same way and not on the count of people's race.
On 04/29/09
Ash C. from Othr said:
I'm Ash. I'm twelve years old and from Palet town. I want to be the very best attorney like OJ's never was and in order to do so I will travel across the land searching far and wide.
6 thru 10 of 553 comments

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