Speak Up! - View Question #423

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Question: Would practicing religion in public school be against the law?

Answer: The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution states 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ..' This means that the government must be separate from any religion. Since public schools are run by the government, the Bill of Rights means that schools must remain neutral on religion - not aid any particular religion, not prefer one over the other, not practice any religion as part of the school. So the answer to your question is that, no, practicing religion in school is not against the law. What is prohibited is a school practicing religion - making people pray, having school run religious events, etc. Your own personal religious practices while conducted at a school are not prohibited.

11 thru 15 of 26 comments
On 11/11/03
Ben from OR said:
As a Christian, i will not force religion on anyone. TO force someone in religion is pointless, because its the choice of the person that matters, not someone else's choices for that person. What's rediculous though is how Darwin's theory (which is just a "theory")is taught in school, leading to have kids believe in something so unrealsitcally possible. For instance, the earth has been slowing down at a constant rate every year. take that same rate and reverse 6,000 yrs ago or so, the earth would be spinning so fast it'd implode. Why isn't that taught in school?
On 11/11/03
Zach from MN said:
I agree with you who say that if kids were to learn about God in schools, it would brighten up their day and make it much better. From expeierence i am telling you that. The government should allow prayer, and also bringing the option of teaching about bible stories in the classroom, and talking about ideas and concepts of Christianity. Does anybody agree with me on this one? And if you don't, I would like to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks!
On 05/16/03
Cole from WV said:
Have you ever thought that all three religions and their texts are related its just that the cultural areas changed them some
On 05/15/03
Jessi from PR said:
What's wrong with religion in schools?As long as they're not forcing people to believe it's ok. This Country was founded for religeous reasons so why not have it in schools?The people against it are just atheists!God is in schools whether they like it or not!
On 03/11/03
Armando from UT said:
why should religion be in school when they dont know what their talking about no body know if god or other religion are true if there are three bibles no body know what one is the right story
11 thru 15 of 26 comments

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