Speak Up! - View Question #423

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Question: Would practicing religion in public school be against the law?

Answer: The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution states 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ..' This means that the government must be separate from any religion. Since public schools are run by the government, the Bill of Rights means that schools must remain neutral on religion - not aid any particular religion, not prefer one over the other, not practice any religion as part of the school. So the answer to your question is that, no, practicing religion in school is not against the law. What is prohibited is a school practicing religion - making people pray, having school run religious events, etc. Your own personal religious practices while conducted at a school are not prohibited.

16 thru 20 of 26 comments
On 01/08/03
Nicole from MI said:
I agree .... I think that bringing god into schools would help everything. But, if for some reason, such as a student beleiving in another religion, they should have a choice either to study religion or not to study religion. A student should not be forced to study a religion that they do not believe in.
On 11/08/02
Heather from MI said:
That is right. Adding God to any childs day would make it brighter. When the suprme court ruled that you couldn't pray in public schoold it was wrong. Kids should be able to pray anywhere. God does do much for someone and i know for a fact that God makes a BIG differencs in my life and he can do it for anybody!
On 06/27/02
Lauren from MD said:
Actually, according to the laws of this country, Kim has every right to say what she said...you also have the right to disagree. Differing opinions are the foundation of ideas. We cannot maintain freedom of speech and religion if we suppress diversity. On the matter of school prayer,that is a family decision. If parents of any faith wish for their children to pray in school, that value should be solidly established at home. According to the law stated above, the school cannot interfere with that practice, and any attempt to do so (by the teacher or the students) should be brought to the att
On 03/18/02
mai from CA said:
i worried about you... you have no right to say that. what about free religion.... you can't say that god is the only way that is moralwrong.
On 02/25/02
Kim from MO said:
Adding God into a child's day can only brighten it and make the child happier. So many children have little to look forward to. Some have no one to really talk to, why not introduce these children to God. If more children were taught christian morals and virtues what a better place this world would be. It would be nice if parents could/would teach this in the home but some parents don't know Christ themselves, wouldn't it be neat if their child sparked an interest for them. I think the morale decline in our country is so sad. Let's just try bringing Fod back into the classroom and see wha
16 thru 20 of 26 comments

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