Speak Up! - View Question #423

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Question: Would practicing religion in public school be against the law?

Answer: The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution states 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ..' This means that the government must be separate from any religion. Since public schools are run by the government, the Bill of Rights means that schools must remain neutral on religion - not aid any particular religion, not prefer one over the other, not practice any religion as part of the school. So the answer to your question is that, no, practicing religion in school is not against the law. What is prohibited is a school practicing religion - making people pray, having school run religious events, etc. Your own personal religious practices while conducted at a school are not prohibited.

21 thru 25 of 26 comments
On 02/06/02
JEN from NY said:
In other words, the government CANNOT PROMOTE or interfere with religions.
On 01/25/02
Candelon from OK said:
Well God is the #1 thing kids should be learning about!!! If you don't believe in God... or just think he's a waste of time then you are corrupting your child to never learning about SALVATION. Do you want your child in Heaven or Hell when he/she dies...If we put God 1st everything falls right into place. I will pray for you.
On 12/15/01
Melanie from VA said:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .." It seems to me that not everyone is reading the whole quotation. I bring your attention to the seocond half of it. "or prohibiting the free exercise there of." By taking every child's right of praying in schools government is infact prohibiting the "free exercise thereof." The government cannot only abide by one half of the Bill of Rights. I agree that there are differing religions and they should all be respected, but not taken away. If government doesn't find it suitable to h
On 10/30/01
Donna from LA said:
We should bring prayer back in our schools, maybe then the violence and crime would decrease. If we can say on our money, which is use throughtout our nation, "In God we trust" why can't we say God in a public school system!
On 10/30/01
Donna from LA said:
We should bring prayer back in our schools, maybe then the violence and crime would decrease. If we can say on our money, which is use throughtout our nation, "In God we trust" why can't we say God in a public school system!
21 thru 25 of 26 comments

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